By choosing De Hvide Svaner Camping as your holiday destination, you are staying at a campsite that actively works towards the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
At De Hvide Svaner Camping, we are proud to be Greenstay certified for our efforts in developing sustainable camping in Denmark.
To achieve this certification, De Hvide Svaner Camping had to meet at least 50% of the criteria for each goal in the first year. We are proud to have already met 66% of these.
In 2024, we expect to meet at least 80% of the criteria for the following goals:
Clean water and sanitation
This is the UN Sustainable Development Goal number 6. We address this by focusing on water-saving fixtures in showers, kitchens, toilets, waterless urinals, and more.
Over the winter of 2023, we replaced all sink faucets in our Bøgevej service building with touchless ones to improve hygiene and minimize water usage for the benefit of the environment.
Sustainable energy
This is the UN Sustainable Development Goal number 7. We meet this goal through the use of solar panels, wind turbines, heat pumps, and the installation of LED lights, timers, dusk sensors, energy-efficient stoves, ovens, and washing/drying machines in energy class A+++.
In the winter of 2023, we replaced all lighting, including outdoor lighting, in our Bøgevej service building with LED lights. We also continuously assess the replacement of equipment with more environmentally friendly alternatives. Since 2022, our lawnmower has transitioned from a diesel-powered to a battery-driven model, and our one delivery van has been replaced with a battery-powered ClubCar.
Responsible consumption and production
This is the UN Sustainable Development Goal number 12. We address this goal through waste sorting on the campsite in a minimum of 10 fractions, with guests sorting at least 4 fractions, as well as proper handling of hazardous waste.
Climate action
This is the UN Sustainable Development Goal number 13. This is reflected in our environmental policy and objectives, which are part of our development plan. This includes optimizing indoor climate, reducing paper consumption, using eco-friendly paper, and more.
Life on land
This is the UN Sustainable Development Goal number 15. This goal is about making an active effort to promote biodiversity, protect untouched areas, slopes, windbreaks, and provide information about protected natural areas, nature, and wildlife in the surrounding area.
In short, by choosing De Hvide Svaner Camping as your holiday destination, you are ensuring that you stay at a Greenstay-certified campsite that actively works with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. This includes our focus on water and sanitation, green energy, responsible consumption and production, a clear environmental policy, active efforts to promote biodiversity, and information about nature and wildlife.
About the campsite
De Hvide Svaner is a world within a world, where your holiday dream becomes a reality. Located directly by the Karrebæk Fjord, with a forest on one side and the charming Karrebæksminde on the other. Here, De Hvide Svaner offers the perfect setting for your best holiday – at the same low prices throughout the season.