The site

The site

A cozy cabin or a space for your tent or caravan? At De Hvide Svaner we have it all...

All our camping spaces are prepared for modern vehicles. From our standard spaces at min. 120 square meters to a large comfort space with their own electricity, water, sewage drainage - and the wonderful view of the fjord. Common to our pitches is their good location close to the water, near our service house and with the possibility of activities nearby.


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Camping in tents

You can also pack the tent and sleeping bag and book a place (without electricity) at Kæmpehøjen, a beautiful burial mound in the middle of our large tent site, where you are free to choose where you want to set up your tent. The tent area is right next to the pool area and the new pool service building with bath and toilet facilities, indoor and outdoor kitchen, barbecue, covered outdoor seating and laundry room.

Stay in one of our rental cabins
At De Hvide Svaner you do not need to own a caravan to stay with us. Instead, rent one of our cabins, with room for 4 or 6 people, close to service buildings with bath and toilet facilities and playgrounds.


 Book a cabin ›


Bring your dog

Har du din firbenede ven med, så byder pladsen også på en stor indhegnet hundeluftegård, hvor din hund kan snuse og lege med andre hunde. Luftning her foregår på eget ansvar og under forudsætning af, at hunden er under opsyn og der tages hensyn til andre hunde/mennesker i indhegningen, så alle har en god oplevelse. Luftning af hund må kun foretages af personer over 18 år.

Du kan også lufte hunden i snor på plænen ned mod fjorden ved Mågevej. Her er der også masser af 'aviser' hundene kan læse og kommentere. Opsamling og bortskaffelse af efterladenskaber forventes. Der er hundeposer til rådighed flere steder på pladsen

Take the dog to the campsite
If you have your four-legged friend with you, the place also offers a large fenced dog area, where your dog can sniff and play with other dogs. You can use the area at your own risk and the dog must be supervised. You have to make room for other dogs and people, so that everyone has a good experience. Only people over 18 may walk the dog alone on the campsite.

You are also free to walk the dog on a leash on the lawn down towards the water at Mågevej. Here there are also lots of 'newspapers' the dogs can read and comment on. Collection and disposal of "leftovers" is expected. There are dog bags available in several places on the site.


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